Battlefront WWII
Bovington 2010 Fog of War
Bovington 2010 Fog of War
In normal circumstances, the defender should deploy all forces as Hidden Unit Markers and allocate Dummy Unit Markers as per the rulebook.
However, this loses all visual impact. These rules were developed for a demonstration game at 'Battlegroup South 2010' in The Tank Museum, Bovington,
and Hidden Unit Markers would not create the desired visual impression. In order to introduce an element of fog-of-war while maintaining the visual aspect
of the demonstration game (something that is not possible using normal
Hidden Unit and Dummy Markers), we have developed a system of 'Alternate Positions'.
This system allows unobserved units to be 'teleported' to a new location, thus simulating the covert movement of reserves
by the defender, as well as poor intelligence and reconnaissance on the part of the attacker.:
Each defending Manoeuvre Element receives a number of Alternate Position (AP) markers, depending on its proximity to the attacker.
Those furthest away from the attacker will have the most AP markers, while those closest will have none at all (this assumes that the units in close
contact with the enemy will have been thoroughly reconnoitered). For example, MEs in the 1st Line receive no AP markers. MEs in the 2nd Line receive an additional
25% of their strength in AP markers. MEs in a 3rd Line receive 50% of their strength in AP markers. Fractions will be rounded up.
For example, an ME in the 2nd Line with 12 units would receive APs equivalent to 25% of its strength - i.e. 3x AP markers.
- All FlaK, PaK and Panzerjäger MEs on the 2nd line or beyond have 50% APs.
- In the case of infantry units, AP markers will be flocked pieces of card with the ME identified on the reverse.
In the case of armoured units, these will be SP gun models (not necessarily the type of unit in the ME).
- Deploy the units of the ME normally.
- AP markers for an ME must be deployed within 12 inches of the nearest unit of that ME.
- At the very start of each defending turn, a unit that is not Suppressed or Disordered may be moved
immediately to the position of one of the AP markers belonging to that ME. A unit may not be moved to an AP marker if it has already moved,
fired, called for fire, been spotted or has already been moved to an AP marker. The AP marker is then removed from play and may not be used again.
- Headquarters Elements do not have AP markers, but a unit attached to the HQ may be moved to any AP marker belonging to an ME under its command.
- AP markers may be placed in unoccupied BUAs, bunkers or entrenchments.
Obviously, units may only be moved to these APs if they are capable of occupying them.
If the AP marker is not in such a location, the unit moved to that location will automatically class as Dug-In (or Hull-Down for vehicles).
- Units may not be moved to AP markers where they will be automatically spotted by an enemy unit.
- If an AP marker is spotted by the enemy (counting as Troops for an Infantry ME, Medium Gun for an anti-tank, flak or artillery ME
or a vehicle of the appropriate size for an armour ME), it is immediately removed from play.
- Unoccupied AP markers are affected by IDF and air attack as if they were Dug-In Troops (count as bunkers or BUAs if they are within such things).
They are removed from play if KO'd. They will automatically rally off Suppression and Disorder in the next Manoeuvre Phase.
If any units are moved to a Suppressed or Disordered AP marker, they will automatically become Suppressed or Disordered.
- Transport vehicles may be moved along with a unit that moves to an AP marker.
Place the transport vehicle somewhere near its partner unit where it will not be immediately spotted.